Today is RUOK Day. I’ve had quite a tiring week or so, been feeling a bit drained. Last week was pretty hectic with Miss M’s second birthday – although it was an awesome day! – and I’m still waiting for my Ferrograd C to kick it (found out at last midwife visit that I’m a bit aenemic). Plus Miss M had some sleep “issues” for a few nights running. On Tuesday morning I had one of those “moments” when motherhood feels like a never-ending living hell that simply cannot be endured for another second, but by some miracle I managed to keep it together by being mindful – focussing on the sounds of the breeze flowing through the leaves in the trees and the birds singing, instead of phoning husband at work to have a despairing rant (never constructive!). Although in all honesty am not so sure I would have managed to remain so composed had Miss M not FINALLY gone for her nap! 🙂 Anyways, so yeah, I’ve feeling a bit shall we say, fragile!

But, I had decided to just slow things down this week, not do all our usual running around, and by today I felt energetic enough to get down to the local growers market, which I love to do (Miss M a little less – there was some protest from the buggy, but can’t have everything!) and then we went to a friend’s house for a playdate and catchup. Sat in the sun, ate yummy food, and when she asked me RUOK? I was able to answer a very truthful, Yes, thank you!

Taking a step back and slowing the pace right down was the right choice for this week. I’ve also been doing a little nesting while spending more time at home, getting things organised bit by bit for the arrival of Miss M’s lil sis in 10 weeks max (caesar baby #2). Feeling good now. And very grateful for lovely husband and lovely friendships.

29 weeks today and counting!

Don’t forget to ask your friends if they’re OK today. We can each of us make a difference.

For 24 hour crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

2 responses

  1. Hello,

    Today is the first time I have read a bit of your blog. I came across it while googling Mindful Pregnancy. I am nearly 14 weeks along with my first child. I have been practicing minfulness for nearly four years. I am so grateful for the practice but having a difficult time not feeling connected to other pregnant mothers, or even the ability to find many in my area. (I live in the hustling San Francisco Bay Area, California). Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for writing about mindfulness, as well as mentioning your age. (I am 37 and dealing w/ some SI joint & a bulging disk in my back, and trying to stay in shape while having my exercise program severely limited). I wish you the best of luck with the birth of your second child. Please know that I support you in your mindful effort. I am sadly often finding myself snapping at my husband only later to realize how “un-mindful” that was of me. It is definitely a long journey, but I am confident your days will be brighter if you stick with the practice. -Kim : )

    1. Hi Kim, congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope you soon find some other pregnant women on your wave length to connect with in your area. In my first pregnancy I didn’t have that support either and it can be hard. Meantime please come back here anytime and you can also find me via email & twitter. I don’t know if you have clicked the “resentment” label on the blog yet but I so get the snapping at husband thing 😉 I’m working on it. I am very new to this mindful path but I absolutely believe it is the only way forward for me and while I often feel like I suck at it, when I bring myself back, I notice the difference in an instant. Hope to hear from you again – all the best with your pregnancy and thank you also for your wishes X

Thank you for commenting! I will reply very soon :-)